Welcome to Missions Opportunities, where we are dedicated to winning souls, establishing, equipping, and deploying individuals for missions that are centered on spreading the message of Christ to the lost. Our mission is to empower people with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to make a meaningful impact in communities around the world. Join us as we work together to fulfill the Great Commission and bring hope to those who need it most.
The intercessory arm is the powerhouse for releasing God’s power for effective and lasting harvest. Missions-intercessors are mobilized, trained, and equipped to pray fervently for world harvest. Regular prayer diaries are produced and circulated to partners and friends for strategic prayer focus. Intercessors Pray from family altars, home groups, campus fellowship, marketplace, offices, meets weekly at our mission’s offices/ zonal chapters. WIN Altar occasionally organizes trainings and prayer conferences to bring Christians together to pray for the body of Christ and harvest of nations.
The largest and the most neglected field of harvest are among teenagers in high schools and in our society. We harvest them through strategic evangelistic outreaches and seminars. We establish and equip them through Various strategic discipleship and leadership trainings in partnership with Individual, families, Teachers, School fellowships and Teenagers Churches. THM organizes; School Leaver’s Summit, Prefects Leadership Summit, Teens-world seminars and Teens Retreats, weekly emerging leadership discipleship training course, monthly Teens-Lead Clan, and counseling for teenagers.
Youths in our tertiary institutions today are the future leaders of tomorrow in various sectors in the society. We go to campus and student hostels in communities daily to share Christ with students and establish those who prayed to receive Christ through Life-Changing discipleship, small group follow-up, leadership training and outreaches. We partner with campus fellowships and help to train and mentor them in effective evangelism, discipleship, relationship issues and leadership on campus.
Professional and Entrepreneurial skill are viable skills necessary for missions in this end time, this is the platform where professionals are specifically targeted, won to Christ and equipped on how to witness and disciple others, they often operate on their professional platform to do ministry while still holding their job or professions. Young professionals are intentionally and strategically developed for leadership position in the society through our Strategic Marketplace Leadership summit, Christian Professional Retreat.
Christian Leaders everywhere and Churches is critical to End-time Harvest. We help to train, coach and resource Church leaders, workers and church youth fellowships in strategic evangelism, discipleship, and leadership operations. We engage in cross-cultural missions in partnership with churches, Christian organizations, families, and individuals to harvest the lost souls from every culture, tribe and people group in all nations.
We penetrate different sector of the communities with the Gospel in partnership with churches and organizations to harvest the lost souls everywhere. We use various evangelistic strategies e.g. Jesus Film, Crusades, Seminars e.t.c. Finally, we establish the souls in existing/ partnering churches or plant a new church where the need arises.
As part of our wholistic approach to harvesting the lost and establishing disciples in Christ, we use various professional skills to provide social, medical aid, vocational development trainings/seminars and community empowerment projects for teenagers, youths, young adults, women in inner-cities and rural communities. We often organize FREE VOCATIONAL TRAIINGS, certified and encourage them with start-up tools through the support of friends, partners and passionate organizations..
Military and Para-Military formations are special fields for harvest, As Chaplain officers, we reach them at their various commands to disciple them and train them in evangelism and discipleship to influence their families and society positively. We seek to offer professional chaplaincy clinical counseling services and discipleship for men in uniform at all levels.
Produces evangelism, discipleship, and leadership materials for circulation. Book publications for spiritual maturity are available at the missions’ office and social platforms. Media Ministry coordinates https://ElectsRadio.com media broadcast, www.electsmissions.org website/Apps management, Music, Missions’ documentary and Film productions. E.g Faith foundation series, e.t.c
This is a multi-denominational Missions and Leadership institute In Collaboration with LEAD CITY UNIVERSITY that offers training for students and awarding Certificates, Diploma, Advance Diploma, Bachelor’s degrees and Post Graduate Diploma in Bible and Intercultural Studies, Chaplains, Leadership & Ministry Studies as the case may be. We have 2-years Diploma training Program in Church Planting, Missions, and Ministerial Leadership and 4-year degree in Intercultural studies. We offer 6 moths Certified Professional chaplaincy training and 2-month Basic Training in Evangelism and discipleship to equip individuals, passionate students, professionals, church workers and laymen for personal ministry of evangelism and discipleship.